How do solar panels serve different industries?


How do solar panels serve different industries?

(The power it generates, the application, the types)

Solar energy is an important alternative power solution for several industries and business sectors. Industries such as the food industry, textile industry, agriculture, chemical industry, telecommunication, as well as the housing industry. Most industries use solar thermal technologies powered by solar panels to receive solar energy and alter it to perform high or even lower range temperature industrial processing.

Solar energy is applied to several industries for its wide range of benefits. It helps in altering energy segments to provide the best alternative energy for each sector. It also increases sustainability and reduces the energy conversion rate to improve efficiency. Finally, it stabilizes energy to meet the demands of different industrial applications. One of the best systems is the solar ground system for industries because it is best utilized and is more compatible in most industrial applications compare to solar roof systems.

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Farming and Agricultural industry

There has been a rise in investments in solar farms. They cut a lot of costs and electricity bills, especially for larger farms. Using solar farms has helped a lot of farmers reduce their financial costs on different activities around the farms.

One of the best types of solar ground mount systems for farming is the W-type solar ground-mounted system. It is high enough to get direct sunlight and for the crops to grow healthy beneath them. These solar panels help in powering lights, heating water, and drying crops. The solar panels can also be used to power electric fences around the farm for security. It can also be used for soil rejuvenation to help improve plant growth.

Solar panel racking manufacturer

Other applications of these ground solar panels for farms and agriculture are pumping water from tanks or wells, running the milking and feeding appliances for the livestock, generating power for greenhouses, and lighting and heating storage areas.


Commercial Businesses

Commercial businesses with limited roof space can benefit a lot from solar ground mount systems. This is also good for the company’s image and reputation to be well known as an environmentally conscious business. It helps in saving and reducing unnecessary costs and can be used as a marketing strategy to attract more customers who support a green and clean lifestyle. They can also be installed in parking lots for shade and energy production hence saving lots of ground space.

Using solar panels in commercial businesses helps save costs on running lights, computers, air conditioners, and other electrical appliances.

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A PV carport solar ground mount saves a lot of space and protects cars from direct sunlight and extreme heat. It can also be used as a charging spot for electric vehicles. This type of ground-mount solar panel can supply 30MW every month. Which can be enough to power a small commercial business.


Housing (Residential Properties)

Adding solar panels to residential areas is said to cut at least 40% cost of electricity charges each month. It is quite often that some houses do not have enough roof space to add enough solar panels to sustain and serve their homes. Hence, they resort to using solar ground mount systems. This is beneficial because on the ground there is good circulation of air that works as a cooling system for the panels compared to the roof of the house.

Sometimes the roof of the house is not in a position of alignment with direct sunlight. Thus, ground solar panels can be installed to get direct sunlight and exposure. This will help store more energy from the sun. some ground panels are flexible to move with the position and direction of the sun. They are installed with an automated tracking device to track the position of the sun and tilt in that direction for maximum energy consumption throughout the day.

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The best type of solar panel for residential areas is the A-Type Ground Solar Mounting System from Starwin which power up to 30MW per month. These solar panels are used for several purposes such as water heating, house lights, and heating the house during the winter. This also helps live a sustainable lifestyle and reduce the carbon footprint caused by using other alternatives.

These solar panels can also be used in hospitals, schools, offices, and industrial facilities. They help to save costs on energy consumption, especially in larger production activities. They are also a clean energy solution hence; manufacturing industries can emit less harmful gases and chemicals into the ozone layer. This also helps to set an example for leaders to create initiatives to stop or reduce the country's carbon footprint.


Telecommunication industry

Communication is key for all individuals and businesses around the world to operate. Hence, the existence of telecommunication technologies has allowed people to communicate easily all around the globe. This technology has grown and evolved throughout the years and now is at its fastest and most efficient stage. To run telecommunication technology requires an insane amount of electricity. And due to the rise In fuel costs as well as its contribution to global warming, the best alternative is to use solar energy combined with fuel to meet these communication demands.

Telecommunication sites consume a lot of energy and require a hybrid solution system to sustain them. They can use fuel generators together with solar panels to offer the optimal solution to improve the tower's function.

The best solar ground-mounted panels for telecommunication are Type T and N Solar ground-mounted panels. Although they produce a high capacity of power, for telecom, a hybrid solution is necessary. In telecommunication solar panels have a wide range of applications such as enhancing cell phone networks as well as small and large wireless networks. Solar energy can also be used for enhancing signals and rural telephony networks. Solar energy can also run remote telecommunication towers and backup systems.

In telecommunication, solar panels can also help to run the base stations which require a lot of energy. Despite having to use a hybrid system with fuel, it still reduces waste and harmful gas emissions to the environment.



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