What Is floating solar mounting system? And what are the advantages of it?


What Is floating solar mounting system? And what are the advantages of it?

Floating solar mounting system is in the rise for large scale projects such as powering entire towns. They are convenient because they do not require land hence, do not take up space on land that would otherwise be used for more productive purposes. Floating solar panels float on the surface of calm waterbodies like lakes, basins and even man-made like reservoirs.

Plenty of developed countries such as China, Japan and USA are moving to Floating solar PV plants because they are eco-friendly and when combined with water, they are the most efficient means of solar mount system compared to roof and ground mount system. The waterbodies act as a coolant for the solar panels when they overheat. And in turn, the solar panels protect the water from evaporating due to direct sun exposure.

floating PV mounting structures

The floating solar PV plants consist of;

· A floating system: Floating solar panels require a floating structure to keep the panels from sinking. The floatable structure is also called a pontoon. A pontoon is a sturdy enough to hold the solar panels in place and allows PV module to be installed on it.  


· A mooring system: A mooring system is a permanent structure that holds the floater in this case the pontoon from moving in the water.  For man made water bodies having a mooring system means that the water level can be adjusted without compromising the position of the solar panels. The mooring acts as an anchor connecting the pontoon to the bottom of the waterbody instead of the shore.


· A PV system: this requires PV equipment involving machines, computer hardware and software needed in a PV facility. Floating solar mount systems use crystallin like PV modules.


· An underwater Cable: it connects the solar panels to the transmission tower in the substation. It transfers power generated from the solar panels to the transmitters in the substation.


Floating PV system is similar to ground mount system, except that in floating PV system the solar panels and inverters are on a floatable platform. The direct current electricity that is produced by the solar panels is combined into boxes. Then the inverter converts the direct current electricity to alternating current electricity. It is easier to anchor the PV system and the inverters to the bottom of the water, but it can also be connected to the shore using floating power lines.

The solar panels are coated with magnesium alloy which is a corrosion free material to avoid rust when in contact with water for a long time. The pontoon can hold up to 2.5 times its own weight.  the solar panels should be kept in a firm position regardless of the water level, soil condition, wind and float type. 

floating solar mounting structures

There are many reasons for usage of floating solar mounting system which have several advantages or benefits to individuals as follows;

1. It saves valuable land-space

One of the main advantages of using a floating solar mounting system is that they do not take up space on land. But it does require having calm waterbodies like hydroelectric dam reservoirs, wastewater treatment ponds, drinking water reservoirs and lakes. Despite the waterbody being on an open space, ensuring that there is direct sun exposure to obtain and maximum energy. This allows efficient use of areas that would otherwise be left unused. And the land can be used for more productive purposes like growing crops. It also saves the environment by avoiding deforestation.



2. Higher performance than other mounting systems

Despite the floating mount system being more expensive than the ground and roof mount system, it is also the most efficient and better performance. The power generated from using floating solar panels is more than enough to cover the cost difference and it has a longer shelf life.

Since the solar panels are placed on open water they have direct exposure to the sun, this gives them the ability to perform well in high temperature. The higher the temperature the lower the power produced over time. Due to the high temperature, it becomes a concern to install in hot and dry climates. The water acts as a coolant to the solar panels when they are heated, this increases their efficiency to produce electricity. It also increases their durability and shelf life.


3. Floating solar racking and the environment

Floating solar panels is positive for the environment. They provide shade to waterbodies to avoid them from evaporating. The shade also reduces algae flowers. Algae flowers are dangerous to humans and in drinking water like ponds or lakes can cause death other plants and animals using the water.

Having solar panels in water reduces the chances of cutting down trees to make space for solar panels on the ground.


4. They’re Environmentally Friendly

Other than reducing deforestation by eliminating the need to use land for installing solar panels, there are other benefits of floating solar panels to the environment. In areas that are prone to drought which can lead to evaporation of ponds, and man-made water bodies, installing floating solar panels can reduce the rate of evaporation by absorbing the sun rays to generate electricity.

In turn, the shade provided by the solar panels also prevents growth of harmful plants in drinking water such as algae flowers, which are deadly to animals and other plants. Apart from this it also has other healthier effects on the environment. Solar panels are renewable energy a source of clean electricity. Using floating solar panels reduces the emission of dangerous and harmful gases that destroy the atmosphere and ozone layer. This becomes beneficial to human beings as they do not inhale these dangerous gases.


One of the major examples of floating mount system is in Kyocera, Japan. It has over 9000 solar panels and produces of 2,600 MW of energy every year. This floating solar mount system is the largest in the entire world with the most advanced technology. It is a massive solar energy farm generating power for residents around the area.







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