Ceramic tile roof solar photovoltaic mounting structures installation


Ceramic tile roof solar photovoltaic mounting structures installation

roof solar mounting structures

Clay tile roofs dominate the landscape of the American Southwest. They look great, they are part of Spanish culture and can last for a century. However, for solar installers, this can be a hassle.

Until recently, installing solar energy on clay tile roofs was more expensive and riskier than other types of roofs (such as composite tiles or metal). This is because tiles are relatively expensive and fragile, and the roof brackets that are removed to install solar panels may open the roof sealing strips to avoid water damage.

If you have a clay tile roof, never let these challenges prevent you from entering solar energy. In this article, we will introduce the best installation methods and equipment for clay tile roofs, and focus on some considerations that should be considered when using solar energy to upgrade tile roof houses with solar installers.

Installing solar energy on clay bricks will be more expensive

The tile is crispy. Whenever someone needs to climb on one of these roofs to complete some work, it is likely that a few tiles will break. Replacing suitable tiles to replace broken tiles is not always a quick process, and the procurement cost of some tiles can be high.

For these reasons, most solar installers will be more careful when working on clay tile roofs. However, this means they will be slow, and it means you will have to spend more time doing manual work.

When installing solar panels, please try to avoid cutting the tiles on the clay tile roof

tile roof hooks

Some solar installers like to use a technique called "comp-out" to more easily install solar energy on clay tile roofs. This technology involves removing all the clay tiles under the area where solar panels will be installed, installing composite tiles in the area, and then installing traditional solar roof mounts, rails and panels at that location.

Then, the solar installer will continue the operation and place similarly shaped tiles between the rows of panels in the array to make everything look neat again.

In addition, some installers can install solar mounts on your tiled roof by taking out individual tiles and cutting or drilling small holes in them. In this way, they can pierce through the solar bracket and bolt it directly to the wooden board under the tile.

Going these routes may cause some problems, because there will be some gaps between the previous tiles and the current solar panels. Even if your new ribbon tiles protect the roof (if you install a windshield area), water will still flow away from them and sneak under the tiles on the lower part of the roof. In addition, small holes in roof tiles are not ideal for leakage.

As we all know, the water under the roofing material is a bad situation. If you live in a location often below the freezing point, it will get worse, because the trapped water turns into ice and then flows back again, which will affect your structure. Cause serious damage. For these reasons, we recommend that you do not recommend these two installation methods for clay tile roofs.

What is the best way to install solar energy on a clay tile roof?

The robust solar installation procedure will only temporarily remove a few tiles where special hooks need to be installed in the roof joists. Then, they will install the bottom plate to your roof membrane and attach special hooks to it.

Next, it is best to install a rain shield above the hooks, preferably with asphalt, to ensure that no water enters the new drilled area for fastening the bottom plate and the hooks (see the picture above). Then attach the rail to each hook and install your solar panels to them.

If it is necessary to install the bottom plate and hooks in an area where there is no accessible roof joist below, the installer will need to cut some wood and install it in the appropriate area in the attic.

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