China new energy power market transaction is coming


The national development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration recently issued the "notice on Further Doing a good job in the pilot construction of the spot power market"According to the notice, it is necessary to guide 10% of the estimated current electricity of new energy projects to enter the Internet through market-oriented transaction competition, and the market-oriented transaction part may not be included in the whole life cycle guarantee acquisition hours.From 2020 to 2021, China usher in the tide of solar panel installation.


How to guide?


"This is the first time that renewable energy has been confirmed to participate in spot market transactions at the national level, which means that renewable energy will achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization in a gradually market-oriented environment." A power generation enterprise researcher said that the notice has a breakthrough guiding significance for new energy to participate in market-oriented trading.

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"After that, in the investment planning of new energy projects, it will no longer be calculated according to the factors of fixed electricity price and fixed hours income, as in the past, but will predict the access electricity price of the project in combination with market-oriented factors." The above market researchers stressed that not only the electricity price forecast, but also the generation priority and output curve of the project will become important indicators of income calculation after the new energy enters the market-oriented transaction“ For example, only when the output curve is as close to the demand curve as possible, can the project have the optimal benefits. "


What does 10% mean?


According to the notice, the proportion of new energy projects participating in market-oriented transactions is 10% of the estimated current electricity. How is this value determined? What does it mean for new energy power generation projects?


According to the reporter, in the first batch of electricity spot market pilot projects, some provinces have carried out large-scale opening up for renewable energy projects to participate in market transactions. Taking Gansu Province as an example, according to the requirements of the special meeting on power generation arrangement of Gansu Provincial Department of industry and information technology in 2021, the total guaranteed power consumption of wind power and photovoltaic in Gansu Province in 2021 is 13.7 billion kwh, and the maximum power generation capacity target of new energy in Gansu Province in the same year is 41.5 billion kwh. According to this calculation, the proportion of new energy security purchase electricity in Gansu Province is only about 1 / 3. In other words, about 2 / 3 of the new energy power needs to enter the market for trading.


"At this stage, in the initial pilot process, the most important thing is to ensure that the income of market players is stable. Even for the proportion of 10% announced this time, whether this part of electricity will participate in the transaction or not, the market participants can also make their own choice at present. We hope that new energy power generation can adapt to the market and get returns through pilot projects, especially when new renewable energy power generation projects are not subsidized by the state. " Some people familiar with the issue of the notice said that with the implementation of the guarantee mechanism for renewable energy consumption, the purchase intention of renewable energy in the power market is still relatively strong“ Moreover, through the preliminary research and calculation, it is believed that it is feasible for renewable energy to gradually obtain income through the market. "


The aforementioned researchers also pointed out that the current 10% transaction ratio does not distinguish between incremental and stock projects, and there is no special statement about the existing projects such as photovoltaic poverty alleviation and photovoltaic leader“ And with the progress of the pilot, this proportion may also be adjusted. Especially in some areas with rich renewable energy resources, the scale of liberalization may gradually increase. "


At the same time, the above-mentioned insider disclosed that in addition to 10% of the market-oriented transactions, the remaining 90% of the electricity will still take the original way, "the indemnificatory acquisition of the indemnificatory acquisition, the state subsidy of the state subsidy."


What is the acquisition hours of life cycle support?


The notice specially emphasizes that the market-oriented transaction part may not be included in the whole life cycle guarantee acquisition hours.


In this regard, some experts in the new energy industry pointed out that the concept of "acquisition hours of full life cycle guarantee" needs to be further clarified“ What is the life cycle guaranteed purchase hours when there are minimum guaranteed purchase hours and reasonable life cycle utilization hours? Is it based on the comprehensive calculation of the minimum guaranteed annual utilization hours and the service life of the power station? Or refer to the reasonable use of hours in the whole life cycle? This has not been clearly stated at the national level. "


In response to this problem, the above-mentioned insiders also said that they would refer to the provisions on the number of reasonable utilization hours in the whole life cycle. In other words, reasonable utilization should guarantee the acquisition.

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In September last year, the Ministry of finance, the national development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the supplementary notice on relevant matters of several opinions on promoting the healthy development of non water renewable energy power generation (CJ [2020] No. 426, hereinafter referred to as "No. 426 document"), which clearly approved the reasonable utilization hours of the whole life cycle of the existing renewable energy power generation projects“ The document No. 426 also emphasizes that the determination of the reasonable utilization hours in the whole life cycle is based on such factors as the generation hours in the whole life cycle when the electricity price is approved. Among them, the reasonable utilization hours of wind power projects in class I, class II, class III and class IV resource areas are 48000 hours, 44000 hours, 40000 hours and 36000 hours respectively. The reasonable utilization hours of offshore wind power in the whole life cycle are 52000 hours. The reasonable utilization hours in the whole life cycle of photovoltaic power generation projects in class I, class II and class III resource areas are 32000 hours, 26000 hours and 22000 hours. The number of reasonable utilization hours in the whole life cycle of photovoltaic leader base projects and bidding projects in 2019 and 2020 determined by the state will increase by 10% on the basis of the number of hours in the resource area. Biomass power generation projects, including agricultural and forestry biomass power generation, waste incineration power generation and biogas power generation projects, have a reasonable utilization of 82500 hours in the whole life cycle.


In addition, in view of the related problems of renewable energy power generation projects going online through market-oriented trading competition in the pilot process, the above-mentioned insiders said that the national level is also studying the issue of specific supporting rules as soon as possible, so as to guide the healthy development of the industry.

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