Features of Floating PV mounting structures


Features of Floating PV mounting structures

floating solar mounting

The well-known photovoltaic power stations include centralized, distributed, tower, roof, agricultural greenhouse, etc., but they are all ground photovoltaic power stations. Looking at the large wave of photovoltaic land use classifications recently released,  In the final analysis, the land resources on the earth are limited, and the availability is also limited. Let them grab it. Let's see how the development of water photovoltaic power plants is. You must know these ten features.

PV Floating mounting  Structure

The development of floating photovoltaic power plants is mainly based on photovoltaic + water surface mode. Among them, the use of water surface is currently mainly used in ponds, small lakes, reservoirs, and reservoirs.

The hardware components of a water surface photovoltaic power station are mainly photovoltaic panels (the cost accounts for 45% of the ground photovoltaic power station), the combiner box (the cost accounts for 1% of the ground photovoltaic power station), inverter equipment (the cost accounts for 6% of the ground photovoltaic power station), and the transformer (The cost accounts for 2.3% of the ground photovoltaic power station), collection lines (the cost accounts for 2.5% of the ground photovoltaic power station), polyethylene floating body frame, etc. Under the same circumstances, the price of photovoltaic panels, inverters, etc. is fixed, and the cost of using polyethylene floating body is about 1/4 of the cost of steel brackets (the cost of steel brackets accounts for about 5%-6% of the total cost of ground photovoltaic power plants).

Ten features :

1. Save land resources, and have less impact on the water ecological environment. The water photovoltaic power generation project has no support foundation and cable trench excavation, no on-site road construction, which greatly reduces ground excavation and is conducive to water and soil conservation.

2. High power generation efficiency. The water surface is relatively open, which can effectively avoid the restriction of shadows on the efficiency of photovoltaic modules. The solar radiation area is uniform and the illumination time is long. Water has a cooling effect on solar panels, which can restrain the surface temperature of the modules from rising. According to relevant calculations, if the temperature of the panels is reduced by 1℃, the output power can increase by 0.5%, which is 10% ~ 15% higher than that of ground or rooftop power stations in the same area % Of the power generation capacity, compared with ground and roof solar panels, can reduce power generation loss during the high temperature in summer.

3. The coverage of components can reduce water surface evaporation and save water resources.

4. The solar photovoltaic panel blocks part of the sunlight from reaching the water surface, reduces photosynthesis, and can inhibit the growth of algae.

5. Cost advantage. The water-surface floating photovoltaic power station is integrated, which facilitates the installation and operation of the solar tracking system, and reduces the cost increase caused by the installation of a dual-axis tracking system for each solar panel on the ground. If the floating body frame is made of bamboo raft material with special waterproof treatment, it can also save cost and achieve the environmental protection benefit of high recycling.

6. The components are easy to clean. The materials selected for water photovoltaic power generation must meet the highest waterproof requirements. Compared with ground photovoltaic, the power generation efficiency of the module is less damaged when it is clean.

7. Avoid land restrictions. In some countries or regions with limited land resources and difficult land development, the development of water photovoltaic projects is a good choice, opening up a new path for the application of photovoltaic power generation.

8. Duty-free water surface. The "National Land Classification (Trial)" implemented on January 1, 2002 stipulates that the country's land is divided into three categories, namely, "agricultural land", "land for construction", and "unused land". According to the "Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Farmland Occupation Tax", taxation provisions are made for "agricultural land" and "land for construction", but the taxation of "unused land" is not involved. Tax-free water surface is much smaller than taxed ground cost (land cost accounts for about 3% of ground photovoltaic power station)

9. Can synchronize aquaculture. The construction of water photovoltaic power stations in reservoirs or fish ponds with aquaculture industry can also create a better hatching environment for fish and increase aquatic production.

10. Tourism benefits. It can be used as a unique scenic spot and an embellishment of water landscape, bringing viewing and tourism benefits. .


(1) Surface floating

The floating type is the basic form of most water photovoltaic power plants. In many countries, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Norway, the United States, Brazil, Australia, etc. have mature applications, especially Japan, this form is widely used, Japan has limited land resources, so they fully develop water resources. The water photovoltaic technology of China has been perfected through many practices and is worth learning from.

(2) Water surface + fishery

The complementation of fishing and light is a water surface photovoltaic project that uses the surface and underwater resources of the farm to integrate power generation and aquaculture. Set up solar panels on the fish ponds, and through the reasonable arrangement of height, space, and density, while photovoltaic power generation is carried out, it will not adversely affect the breeding. Since the power station is built on the water of fish ponds, the water surface temperature is lower than that of the ground, and the distance between components is larger than that of traditional power stations. Therefore, a good environment for sunshine, ventilation and cooling is formed, which is beneficial to extend the life of the components and improve the efficiency of power generation. . Photovoltaic power generation can be directly used for farming electricity, which also reduces farming costs.

However, reasonable choices should be made during construction. As the solar panels will block the light, the construction of photovoltaic fishery should be carefully considered and planned reasonably for the fish ponds for breeding bright fish.

This dual-use ecological industry has greatly improved the utilization efficiency of water areas, increased the output value of water areas per unit area, and promoted the use of clean energy in multiple ways.

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