How do you choose between roof mounting, ground mounting and floating mounting solar system for commercial use?


Usage of three solar systems

There are several ways and places for mounting solar panels depending on the user such as roof mounting, ground mounting and floating mounting solar system. Roof mounting solar system are a system of solar panels that are mounted on the roof of a house or a building. Ground mounting solar system are solar panels that are mounted on the ground with an open space and direct sun exposure.

Floating mount system is comprised of solar panels that floats on the surface of a water body. They are installed in calm waterbodies such as lakes or basins because oceans and rivers have rough waves that could throw off the panels.

solar mountingfloating solar mounting structuresrooftop mounting intaller

It is crucial to consider all the factors and advantages of the different solar mounting system before the most suitable one. All these systems have different applications and the usage of the three systems depend on the size, power and cost that a person is willing to pay for.


The following advantages should be considered when using considering Roof mount solar panels;

· Utilizes unused space

Roofs are of houses and buildings are usually not utilized. Hence, using them to mount solar panels can add an advantage to having a roof. And this also saves space on the ground that can be used for other purposes.  

The roof of a house is usually not used for regular daily activities by its residents. Hence making It the perfect place to mount solar panels. Placing them on the roof will save space on the ground for other activities.

This system is beneficial especially if there is limited space on the ground. Having a solar panel on the roof increases the resale value of the house with an added sustainability advantage.


· Lower cost of installation

Installing solar panels on the roof is not that costly because the panels only need to be fastened to the surface of the roof and not deep inside. This maintains the roof structure making it appealing to people. Having the panels installed on the roof saves cost of getting certain licenses and permits that would be needed for ground and floating solar panels.

In order for the panels to last longer and reduce costs the roof should be of excellent weight and quality to avoid regular changing and installation which could increase the cost. 

solar mounting

· Direct access to sunlight

One of the major advantages of a solar roof mounting system is that there is minimum shading on the roof. This depends on whether the house is located near any buildings or trees. Basically, solar panels placed on the roof have the lowest probability of being shaded as opposed to ground solar panels.

If the house is located near buildings and trees that cover the roof then this might not be an enjoyable advantage to some people.


· Safer and has limited access to people

Placing panels on the roof is safer specially to keep children and domestic animals from running into the sola panels and harming themselves. It also keeps the panels away from intruders (thieves/ robbers) who would want to steal them.  


When choosing ground mount solar panels, the following advantages should be considered;

· Maneuverability (flexible movement)


The biggest advantage of having a ground mounted solar system is the free movement. Ground mounted panels can be set automatically to move with the direction of the sun. the solar panels can be tilted throughout day for maximum exposure. The best direction for the panels to be facing is south, west or southwest if they cannot be tilted.

Ground solar panels have better range of motion, unlike roof panels that can only face in the direction of the roof.


· Easy to maintain


Since the solar panels are on the ground, they are easily accessible to the owner for cleaning in case it gets dirty. When solar panels accumulate dirt over time start to lose their efficiency. Having a longer shelf life saves maintenance costs.

Other than cleaning it is also easier to check for any damages or cracks or loose wiring that can be fixed easily instead of leaving it to further damage and harm others.

For someone who is constantly in the winter it is best to go for the ground mount solar panels to have easy access removing the snow buildup.


· Bigger system size


The size of a roof mount system is limited to the roof this also accounts for the walking space on the roof and maintenance space needed. The space available on the ground is bigger and allows for bigger installation than roof solar panels. Bigger solar panels increase the output of electricity.


· Higher performance


Since the space on the ground is bigger it allows for more solar panels. The more the panels, the greater the power produced. Depending on the location, and considering the fact that the panels can be titled on the ground. When the solar panels are directly facing the sun, their performance increases. Hence, in order to maximize the energy, the location is important. This makes ground solar panels more efficient than roof solar panels.


· Good cooling system


For solar panels to be efficient they need to have a good cooling system. The higher the temperature of the panels the faster the efficiency drops over time. When mounting solar panels on the ground it is good to have ample space to allow flow of wind during hot temperatures, especially the summer.  

 floating solar mounting structures

The natural flow of air is important especially because the panels are at a lower region. It is also very the most economical method.


· No modifications to the house structure are needed

Having solar panels on the ground does not affect the structure of the house in any shape or form unlike roof mount panels which require the roof of the house for adjustments and modifications.


When choosing floating solar panels, the following advantages should be considered;

· It does not require land space

The floating solar panels are used in water bodies like lakes and reservoirs. And they are used in large projects hence, land space is not sufficient. The land can otherwise be used for other purposes that are more resourceful.


· Generates higher power

Since the floating panels are kept on water, it acts as a cooling system whenever the temperature rises. The cooling can increase the efficiency of the solar panels and have a longer life without needing maintenance.

Floating solar panels are only used for a large project like covering the whole town or a large power plant. Hence, this makes the most of the highest performance among the other mounting systems.


· No coverage or shading

The solar panels can be placed flat on the surface of the water without needing to change the position because there is no shade. There aren’t any buildings or objects that can prevent access from sun exposure. Hence, this makes floating solar panels the most convenient method for mounting solar panels.

It all comes down to the most convenient method for the user, the capacity of power required, the location and size of the user’s property as well as the cost of installing the solar panels. All three methods of mounting solar panels are efficient and good. Hence, the preference of the customer can help choose the right solar panel mount system 

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