New solar energy law in Germany


Recently, the German parliament passed the draft of the country's renewable energy law reform, the so-called "EEG Novell".

Under the new regulatory framework, some changes will be made to the photovoltaic industry:

The most important one relates to the exemption of the so-called EEG tax, which normally applies to all power producers and funds all renewable energy support programs in the country. The exemption will apply to all photovoltaic systems for their own use with a scale of no more than 30 kW and annual production of no more than 30 MWh. According to the previous rule, this limit is set to 10kW. Starting in January, the measure will apply to existing and new photovoltaic systems.

In addition, although it is only applicable to systems with capacity up to 300 kW, the on grid Tariff Scheme for rooftop PV is maintained, which is up to 750 kW under the previous regulatory framework.

Owners of PV plants with sizes ranging from 300kW to 750kW will have two options: build the project according to the bidding plan of utility scale PV, but not for their own use; or accept fit (halved compared with small systems) but allow to consume the energy generated by themselves.

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