The three most important factors affecting the income of roof photovoltaic


Under the influence of the Chinese national new energy strategy guidance and policy support, the concept of developing green energy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. With the development of science and technology, the construction and installation costs of photovoltaic power generation continue to decline. Nowadays, more and more people use their own roof to install solar photovoltaic power plant, regardless of the high level of thinking, What people are most concerned about is how much income can be brought by investing in household photovoltaic power generation, and the scope of this paper is household distributed photovoltaic power station. The inclination angle of household photovoltaic power generation is not a myth. These three factors have a great impact on the income.

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Unsafe factors affect income

Many friends who have installed the home photovoltaic power generation system reflect that the power generation effect of the home installed photovoltaic power station is not good, and there is a big gap with the ideal efficiency. Is it because the installation angle of the photovoltaic panel is not in the best angle? For example, in Shanghai, the latitude is 31 degrees, while the tilt angle of photovoltaic panels installed by the company is only 23 degrees, which is about 10 degrees different from the theoretical optimal angle. Will this cause a significant reduction in power generation efficiency?In a narrow sense, it is the angle from which photovoltaic panels receive the largest amount of solar radiation. It is a factor that affects the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation. However, in practice, it is not a myth that determines everything, not to mention that the optimal angle is originally a dynamic value, The installation environment of home photovoltaic power generation system is very different. Even if you install all of them according to the best angle, the income will be very different.

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Optimal angle of photovoltaic power generation

The inclination angle of home photovoltaic power generation has an impact on the power generation efficiency, but generally, this impact can be ignored, and the installation company will consider it comprehensively and choose an appropriate angle for installation. Take the above example of photovoltaic power generation in Shanghai. At 31 degrees north latitude in Shanghai, the efficiency losses of 5 degrees, 15 degrees, 25 degrees, 30 degrees and 40 degrees are calculated by simulation software, which are 3.6%, 0.8%, 0, 0.5% and 2.7% respectively. From the data, it can be seen that the installation inclination of photovoltaic panels in Shanghai is 15 degrees to 35 degrees. If 50% of the site area is wasted in order to achieve 0.5% efficiency, the revenue will be reduced.

For home photovoltaic power generation, since the installation angle of photovoltaic panels is not a myth, which factors have a great impact on the income? The following three easily overlooked factors are particularly important.

First: safety.

At any time, the importance of safety production is in front of efficiency. Without safety, how can we talk about efficiency? Home photovoltaic power generation system, some are installed on the top of 2 or 3 floors, some are installed on the top of 20 or 30 floors, if the installation is not reasonable, the security risk is very big.

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Apple headquarters photovoltaic power station on fire.

1.The design is unreasonable. For example, in order to pursue the best inclination angle, the installation angle is more than 30 degrees, then the 10 meter long photovoltaic array, the support height will reach 6 meters, which has high requirements for the building structure and steel structure of the roof. Roof photovoltaic power station collapses from time to time.

2. Without considering the later maintenance, many families have photovoltaic panels covering the whole roof, and some even float out, just like buying a house, occupying as much area as possible. I don't know that the later maintenance can't be carried out. Don't believe such nonsense as "photovoltaic power generation doesn't need maintenance and cleaning". A mound of bird dung may destroy the whole power station. It's not alarmist.

Impact of shading on photovoltaic power generation income

Second: occlusion

"I have 150 square meters of photovoltaic panel area, it doesn't matter if I block a little". This is because I don't understand the photovoltaic power generation system. A small amount of virtual shading will not have a big impact, but the close real shading, even a little, may cause 10% loss, or even damage the photovoltaic power generation devices, which directly leads to a decline in revenue.

Third: orientation

Home photovoltaic power generation generally relies on housing construction to install photovoltaic panels. Although most houses in China are oriented from north to south, there are many East-West orientations. Moreover, with the diversification of building styles, multi villa roofs are also very common. If home photovoltaic power generation focuses on income, it is not recommended to install photovoltaic panels in the East, West and North, It is suitable to install photovoltaic panels in the South or 15 degree deviation.

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Photovoltaic power generation has a great impact on revenue

Conclusion: the angle of home photovoltaic power generation is not as important as myth. Safety, site area utilization rate and environmental impact are the biggest factors affecting the income. According to the actual situation, reasonable design of photovoltaic power generation system can maximize the income.

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